G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 I’m Fat – Week 2 & Joined by CopsAlive.com
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I’m Fat – Week 2 & Joined by CopsAlive.com

Scott Bike1

2010 @ 180 lbs

Blessed by a New Partnership

I posted this just 2 weeks ago for motivating myself to regain healthy habits, encourage others to join in by setting their own goals for holistic health, and creating a forum for sensible information and accountability.

Last week, I spoke with John Marx at CopsAlive.com who offered to partner. They provide fantastic practical information ranging from health to spiritual survival. Our plan is to post every Monday. I will give you a brief update of my progress, CopsAlive.com will provide awesome information, and you guys will share your thoughts, progress, and challenges in the comments.

To catch the readers up at CopsAlive.com, I posted my first week’s goals and status here. Nothing overly scientific, just common sense and sensible. I’m looking forward to a healthy partnership with John and his staff at CopsAlive.com.

Week 2 Update is included below. Thanks and please join us by sharing your goals, challenges and updates.

The Original Post

I weighed a super healthy 180 lbs the day I was sworn in as the Chief of Police. One year later, I was at 225 lbs. Sound familiar? Granted, that first year as Chief also included my last year of a PhD program. Still, having dropped from a 260lbs powerlifter to a 180lbs triathlete (very recreational) showed I had the ability.

Christmas morning 2011, I hit the scale, and it hit back with a reading of 225 lbs. I stepped off determined to drop at least 20 lbs by my next birthday in March. Missed that goal.

One year later, I stepped on that same scale. In the one year since getting hit with a 45 lbs weight gain, I had lost a total of 0.6lbs. Yes, a slim 224.4 lbs was no consolation.

2011 @ 225lbs

2011 @ 225lbs

Compounding this additional weight was the annual visit to the ticker doctor. A shocking BP of 159/107. I was under order to drop 20 lbs and get the BP under control or it was meds time. Who me? a lifetime athlete always enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle? Yes.

So here I am 3 months later, bouncing between a low of 218 lbs and a bigger pants size, BP settling around mid 160s/107s and a bike still collecting dust.

I’m not going to post skin pics like a teenage girl wanting to fit into her spring break bikini. This is a thoughtful effort to hold myself accountable and build a network of others in need of motivation and helpful information for reclaiming the victory of health.

You and I are very similar. I’m not far from turning 50, and although living a full life, I know my best years await me. I want them to be healthy.

The Plan for Enjoying a Healthy Life

Here’s the plan. Each Monday I will post my progress. I’ll share my body weight, overall eating habit, levels of activity and whether or not I could squeeze the ring onto my right hand. My hands are an immediate barometer of weight. Hint; I cut my knuckle unscrewing it last week.

2012 @ 224.4

2012 @ 224.4

Nothing medical or technical, just common sense efforts for accountability.

I will ask for your support and teamwork to get my health back in control. I’m including the form below and ask you to set your own health goals. Also, I welcome anyone with sensible health advise to join the effort. I’m willing to include your practical information to my weekly posts.

Week 2 Recap:


220 lbs


– Met & exceeded goal of 4 days

– 2 – 45 minute walk around the university (everyone is buzzing about town, great energy to tap into)

– 1 – 30 minute cycling on indoor trainer (finishing load of clothes, so dryer added to room temp)

-1 – Free weights at the awesome new health complex on campus (State of the art)

-1 – 45 minute cardio session on machines.


– Avoided secretary’s desk candy dish

– Switched late night ice cream to froze yogurt

– Still eating every lunch & most diners out at restaurants (still VERY expensive)

– Overall, made improvements but with PLENTY of room to go.

– Oh yea, Major birthday bash over the weekend included great New Orleans dishes from Rio Mar.

BP & UNO Ring

-A few days left it at home, but squeezed it over the healing knuckle later in the week.

-BP still high but moving in right direction.

Monday – Sunday Goals:

– Weight at 218 lbs

– Cut back on extra portions & more meals at home

– Exercise 4 times with increasing duration

– Wear UNO ring without sawing into knuckle.

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