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This Quarter's Featured Titles
The Ordinary Way

The ordinary things of life receive less than their fair share of attention. When a person ceases to recognize the value of “good,” “OK,” and “ordinary,” he or she tends to devalue their own and others’ significance.

Favored Not Forgotten

Learn how to Embrace the Season, Thrive in Obscurity, and Activate your Purpose in this exciting promise from God, and always remember that you are Favored, Not Forgotten.

Imperfect Dads, One Perfect Father

Want to be a better father? Four dads have come together to create a powerfully honest and insightful guide for men who sincerely want to improve relationships with their kids.

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My Awesome Adventure With the Holy Spirit

My Awesome Adventure With Holy Spirit: Life Lessons From the Bible's Greatest Tour Guide is the personal account of author, Gretchen Nero as she shares intimate stories of her most treasured moments with the Holy Spirit..

Favored Not Forgotten Leader Guide

Companion Leader Guide to Favored Not Forgotten, Bible studies, small group curriculum, workshops or self-focused study. The series also includes and 30-day online and video course.

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Conquering Strongholds: 30-Day Battle Plan for Walking in Purity

There is freedom from the devastating captivity of sexual bondage. If you will trust me for 30 days, I will give you the tools to reclaim the life you were created to live.

Sustainable Excellence

Terry Tucker believes everyone is born to lead an uncommon and extraordinary life and that has nothing to do with where you work, how much money you make, or where you live.

Love's Letters

Love’s Letters: A Collection of Timeless Relationship Advice from Today’s Hottest Marriage Experts is the first ever collaboration featuring twenty-eight couples who champion God’s greatest gift—marriage. 

Uncuffed: Bulletproofing the Law Enforcement Marriage

You can have a rock solid marriage, but it takes work to bulletproof your relationship with marital Kevlar.

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Retrain Your Brain: Using Biblical Meditation to Purify Toxic Thoughts

You have the authority to control your way of thinking. Retrain Your Brain gives you the resource to accomplish it. Don’t give up! It’s never too late to rewire the way your mind’s thoughts fire

Favored Not Forgotten Study Guide

Companion Study Guide to Favored Not Forgotten, Bible studies, small group curicculum, workshops or self-focused study.

The series also includes and 30-day online and video course.


UnBreakable: From Past Pain to Future Glory: Freedom from past pain is not a random act or period of time in waiting, but an intentional process of breaking chains. The best advice ever received was that, TIME DOES NOT HEAL ALL WOUNDS.

Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

Pastor Juan discovered that the storms in life will reveal truths beyond the yellow brick road and connect us to God’s promises of heaven.

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Strong Men Dangerous Times

Masculinity is not toxic. Being a strong man is still a quality to be celebrated, even within the chaos of a shifting society. Strong Men Dangerous Times aims to accomplish one task-to help you to understand manhood.

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Pieces of Me

Pieces of Me: My Journey to Self-Discovery is an honest and intimate look at how God lovingly holds our hand through the chaotic trials of rediscovering our faith, rescuing us from the darkest places, and recognizing the beauty in ourselves the way He sees us

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God Made Man: Discovering Your Purpose and Living an Intentional Life

There is so much more to life than merely getting by. We were created to be rulers, conquerors, kings and priests. So, what do you say, let's skip the grunting and get down to living the life we were meant to live?

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Captive No More: Freedom From Your Past of Pain, Shame and Guilt

God showed me how to get free from the stranglehold of what living a life of hurt and hate had caused. I want to share what I’ve learned through that journey with you.


Life After Divorce

Surviving divorce, reclaiming your worth, and rebuilding life is as challenging as it is a wonderful opportunity to see God’s will at work. Leah and I know what it feels like to hit the dark and bumpy patches of life, but we thank God for being a redeeming God of second chances.

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Contact Me Directly, Scott

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