G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 It’s Green and Sticky | Christmas
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It’s Green and Sticky | Christmas

I’m blessed to have served another year as a Chief of Police. Christmas is a natural season for the people I serve to graciously show gratitude through cards, foods and snacks delivered to the Thibodaux Police Department.

Not unlike probably every agency across the globe, we become benefactors of an outpouring of goodwill from the folks we pour out our lives to everyday. Trust me, it is so very appreciated. The more chocolate the better I say!

As I sorted through the pile of mailers having accumulated on my desk, I found a handwritten envelope. It caught my attention, so I pried it open to discover a beautiful self-published book from a wonderful person I had met earlier in the year while teaching at a writer’s conference.

There was a green sticky adhered to the front cover, also with a handwritten note. It started;

Scott, God has put you on my heart the last couple of days…

When your conversations begin with that phrase, everything else written or said is a blessing.

Thank you for that note. It was green and sticky, and yes it was a most wonderful blessing for me. His timing is perfect timing.

Merry Christmas

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