G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

February 13, 2013

in Featured, Patrol, Posts

by Chief Scott Silverii, Ph.D.

Let’s explore why it is so hard to “break up” from a job you love and love to not love. before beginning, I was approached by a lady Saturday night while monitoring a downtown nightclub crowd following the Ambrosia Mardi Gras parade. She is not associated with law enforcement and I am not sure who she is.

She was kind enough to share having read my previous LET article entitled, “I Quit!”. She emphasized that she read the whole thing. I was curious if she meant it was interesting, or long! Either way, it was a kind gesture. If she is reading this; thank you and owe this inspiration to you.

I realized then, that in addition to the many e-mails I receive from all of you in support of our cultural revolution, these principles apply to everyone. I write to encourage sincere public servants, but also know that cultures exist in all aspects of society.

Who knows, we may ignite a “change” reaction in another industry while recreating ours. I believe dedicated professionals are ready for a change, and desire a singular vision directing their energy. I believe “we” are the soldiers of evolution, and in our generation of service, a n


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