G-MVDTY4C6SY 204549657578714 I’m Shaping Up | Week 17
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I’m Shaping Up | Week 17

I wondered this morning was it raining, as I struggled between more sleep and exercise. Remembering the awesome encouragement and motivational replies over the last weeks, I popped up and hit the early morning road.

It was raining!

Last week was another productive effort. three days of morning & evening training sessions, prepared meals at home and away from restaurants, and a consistent BP reading have me steadily moving towards regaining health.

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I even hit the gym after a blistering afternoon of lawn design. I was bored & creative, but I like it. Neighbors have yet to comment.

I trust you are beach ready, or ball park ready or just ready for anything that an active and healthy lifestyle affords you. If you are not where you want to be physically, join us on this quest.

Monday – Sunday:

This week’s goals resemble last week’s and revolve around sensible eating, intense but safe exercise and rest mixed with stretching (yoga).

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