Five Stones People
Save Your Marriage
Before It Starts
Over 1,000,000 Couples Helped
The odds say your marriage will fail. Why go into it with only a 50/50 chance of success? The SYMBIS couple's
assessment is a scientific tool designed to help you overcome the odds.
How well do you know each other? How well do you know yourself?
Unicorns and rainbows won't divorce-proof your marriage. Honest, in-depth information will. Our brief survey will reveal valuable characteristics to help your marriage flourish long after the wedding party goes home.
Your in-person or online (Skype/Facetime) sessions will help you both unpack the depth of information generated from the assessment tool. Dr. Scott and Leah Silverii are both certified marriage counselors, and want to help divorce-proof your marriage.
We will review:
Mindset – what’s your attitude toward marriage?
Well-being – your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you.
Social support – you are marrying a set of circumstances as well as each other.
Finances – your financial skills, attitude and history, make up an important part of the context you’re bringing into marriage.
Expectations – making your roles conscious: what are your beliefs about gender roles.
Remarriage and Blending a Family – you have a unique set of challenges but there is no reason you can’t make your second marriage a first-class success.
SYMBIS maps out the combination of your two personalities, so you discover how hard-wiring effects the way you each give and receive love.
Love – Love is as we each define it.
Attitude – Marriage was never intended to make you happy – you make your marriage happy.
Communication – Communication is the lifeblood of your relationship.
Gender – Yes, men and women are different, and we'll show you how to celebrate the gifts of each.
Conflict – Conflict is inevitable, but learning how to work through it leads to a stronger marriage.
Spirituality – God created marriage to last. His covenant is vital to gaining a more intimate spiritual relationship with each other and God.